Pionia Core

in package

This provides a uniform response format for our entire application.

All requests that hit the application will be handled successfully, so a http status code of 200 OK is expected for all requests whether they resolved with an error or not.

This gives us an opportunity to define our own status code based on the business requirements.

This also helps the server recover gracefully after every panic since all exceptions will be caught and handled


Jet - ezrajet9@gmail.com

Table of Contents


$data  : Arrayable|null
$extraData  : mixed
$returnCode  : mixed
$returnData  : mixed
$returnMessage  : mixed
$extraData  : mixed
$prettyResponse  : string|null
$response  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
$returnCode  : int
$returnData  : mixed
$returnMessage  : string|null


__construct()  : mixed
build()  : BaseResponse
This is used to build the response.
getPrettyResponse()  : string|null
jsonResponse()  : BaseResponse
All actions in Pionia must return this as the response. This is how Pionia ensures a uniform response format



public mixed $extraData
  • any other data you want to send to the front-end, any!!


public mixed $returnCode

defaults to 0 for success. Any other code other than 0 implies an error. This can customized to your needs


public mixed $returnData
  • the data the server wants to send to the frontend, can be of any data format


public mixed $returnMessage
  • the message the server wants to send to the frontend


private string|null $prettyResponse = null


private array<string|int, mixed>|null $response = null


private string|null $returnMessage = null



public __construct([mixed $data = null ]) : mixed
$data : mixed = null


This is used to build the response.

public build([array<string|int, mixed>|null $additionalData = [] ]) : BaseResponse
$additionalData : array<string|int, mixed>|null = []
Return values


public getPrettyResponse() : string|null
Return values


All actions in Pionia must return this as the response. This is how Pionia ensures a uniform response format

public static jsonResponse([int|null $code = 0 ][, string|null $message = null ][, mixed|null $data = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $extraData = null ]) : BaseResponse
$code : int|null = 0
  • the return code to the client side. Defaults to 0 for success
$message : string|null = null
  • the message to send to the client side
$data : mixed|null = null
  • the data to send to the client side
$extraData : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = null
  • any other data to send to the client side
Return values

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