Pionia Core


Table of Contents


afterRequest()  : mixed
If provided, this hook will be called after the middleware runs against the request.
afterResponse()  : mixed
If provided, this hook is called after the middleware runs against the response.
beforeRequest()  : mixed
This hook is called before the middleware runs against the request.
beforeResponse()  : mixed
This method is called before the middleware runs against the response.
execute()  : void
This method is called to run the middleware. Every middleware must implement this method.
limitServicesTo()  : Arrayable
Only those services that are listed here will trigger the middleware to run
_runMiddleware()  : void



If provided, this hook will be called after the middleware runs against the request.

public afterRequest() : mixed


If provided, this hook is called after the middleware runs against the response.

public afterResponse() : mixed


This hook is called before the middleware runs against the request.

public beforeRequest() : mixed


This method is called before the middleware runs against the response.

public beforeResponse() : mixed


private _runMiddleware(mixed $request, mixed $response) : void
$request : mixed
$response : mixed

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